Nyereg itató

The Head Chef of the Nyereg restaurant won a Special Award again!

The final of the 2020 Hungary’s Meal Competition was held on Saturday, October 10, at Felcsúti Letenyey Lajos High School and Vocational School.

Encouraged by last year’s success, the chef of the Nyereg restaurant, Péter Herédi, competed again this year, but this time forming a team with Tamás Gyimesi.
Getting to the finals wasn’t an issue, our chefs were confidently in the Top 12.

The event started early in the morning, the team was already at Felcsút at 7.30 am.
It was a tough competition, everyone made great food, the jury did not have an easy task!
The jury was fascinated by Péter Herédi’s and Tamás Gyimesi’s food composition, called:  „Patak ezüstje” – Silver of the Stream (trout rolled with lovage, spinach - cottage cheese dumplings, vegetable pudding, marinated paprika cream and Tokaj wine caviar).

The closing ceremony took place in the Ceremonial hall of the Pancho Arena.
Our duo, the"HE-GYI" Chef Association, finished at 4th place this year, also winning a special prize for the most hygienic work.


Congratulations to the Chefs for the excellent accomplishment!



Nyereg Az Itató


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